BSPOKE Software | Digital Transformation Partners


Two people using laptop each having their own personalised customer experience using custom software systems.

Personalised Customer Experience with Bespoke Software

Offering a personalised customer experience can be the key to ensuring customer satisfaction when interacting with your company’s software. When customers feel that their experience is tailored to their specific needs and preferences, they are more likely to feel valued and appreciated.

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Image showing a stack of paper forms that are being replaced by digital forms instead.

The Power of Bespoke Digital Forms

One area where significant advancements have been made is in moving away from traditional paper forms to digital versions instead. New digital forms are easily implemented for companies who employ a custom software solution.

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BSPOKE Software - Software developer using testing strategies and techniques to ensure the success of custom business software project

Software Testing Strategies and Techniques 

If you are planning to commission a new piece of software for your business this year, one of the most important considerations is the software testing strategies and techniques that will be used.  

After investing so much time and money into software, skipping testing is a terrible idea. However, we see some clients suggest this with the hope of saving a little extra money on their project.

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BSPOKE Software - Photo showing a tablet with propriety software running on it.

Proprietary Software: Advantages and Disadvantages

Most of us rely on proprietary software on a daily basis for our work. This software is obtained by purchasing a software license, so you don’t have the full rights to your software.  When compared to bespoke software solutions, you’ll find there are both advantages and disadvantages of proprietary software.  

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BSPOKE software - custom software consultant studying the development analysis phase of a bespoke software project

Software development analysis phase: what is it?

The software development analysis phase is a crucial part of the software development cycle. After planning a software development project, you’ll find that this is the second step in the process when working with our team. However, there’s often a lot of confusion about what this stage involves.  

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