BSPOKE Software | Digital Transformation Partners

Business Prodcutivity

Software Consultant working with client in an office with large windows.

Software Consultant – Understanding the Role

A software consultant gives expert advice and custom solutions to help businesses get the most out of their software systems and processes. They bring a lot of experience and know-how, making sure technology lines up with your business goals.

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Corporate software development, graphic shows computers and programmers working on developing software.

Corporate Software Development: Through Custom Solutions

Corporate software development is all about designing, creating, and deploying software solutions specifically tailored to the complex needs of businesses and organisations. This type of software is often central to a business’s core functions, providing essential tools for managing resources, improving efficiency, and driving growth.

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Web application development being used by 2 engineers in a factory, one using a tablet and the other a laptop.

Web Application Development within Manufacturing

Web application development plays a pivotal role in transforming manufacturing operations by providing customised solutions that optimise key processes. From enhancing inventory management and production scheduling to improving customer relationship management, these applications empower firms to streamline workflows, increase productivity, and ensure smooth operations.

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Image showing a stack of paper forms that are being replaced by digital forms instead.

The Power of Bespoke Digital Forms

One area where significant advancements have been made is in moving away from traditional paper forms to digital versions instead. New digital forms are easily implemented for companies who employ a custom software solution.

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BSPOKE Software - Developers discussing key performance indicators in software development

6 Key performance indicators in software development

In the world of software development, there are certain KPIs that need to be kept in mind when building software. If it’s your first time commissioning bespoke software for your business, you might be wondering how key performance indicators in software development are used.

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BSPOKE Software - Software developers examining a legacy software system.

Legacy software: the end of the road

As we enter into the new year, it’s time to consider whether it’s the end of the road for your company’s legacy software. While some businesses are keen to hang on to it for as long as possible, the time has now come to move on for most companies.

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