BSPOKE Software | Digital Transformation Partners

Software Prototype

BSPOKE Software - Software developer using testing strategies and techniques to ensure the success of custom business software project

Software Testing Strategies and Techniques 

If you are planning to commission a new piece of software for your business this year, one of the most important considerations is the software testing strategies and techniques that will be used.  

After investing so much time and money into software, skipping testing is a terrible idea. However, we see some clients suggest this with the hope of saving a little extra money on their project.

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BSPOKE Software - Photo of paper prototypes for a custom software solution, illustrating app prototyping.

App Prototyping: Can you do it Yourself?

If you’ve been thinking about designing a new app for your business in 2022, the first step is app prototyping. Many companies are tempted to save time or money during the process by taking on this task themselves. Today we’re going to discover whether app prototyping is worth doing alone or if it’s best to leave this job to the professionals.

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BSPOkE software - construction of a custom software project and using white-box and black-box methods for testing

White-box and Black-box Testing: Which is Best?

We’ve spoken before about how critical testing is at the end of any software development project. Software testing is something you should never skip after months of hard work. However, when presented with the choice of white-box testing and black-box testing, you might be wondering which is the best option for your project. 

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