BSPOKE Software | Digital Transformation Partners

Custom business software

Software Consultant working with client in an office with large windows.

Software Consultant – Understanding the Role

A software consultant gives expert advice and custom solutions to help businesses get the most out of their software systems and processes. They bring a lot of experience and know-how, making sure technology lines up with your business goals.

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BSPOKE software - custom software consultant studying the development analysis phase of a bespoke software project

Software development analysis phase: what is it?

The software development analysis phase is a crucial part of the software development cycle. After planning a software development project, you’ll find that this is the second step in the process when working with our team. However, there’s often a lot of confusion about what this stage involves.  

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BSPOKE software - Bespoke software development services  developers discussing a software project with clients.

Bespoke Software Development Services: how to choose

When it comes to choosing between bespoke software development services, we know that the choice can seem overwhelming. Not only do you need to find a company that offers the services that you need, but you also need to make sure the company is aligned with your vision.  

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BSPOKE Software - Photo of paper prototypes for a custom software solution, illustrating app prototyping.

App prototyping: can you do it yourself?

If you’ve been thinking about designing a new app for your business in 2022, the first step is app prototyping. Many companies are tempted to save time or money during the process by taking on this task themselves. Today we’re going to discover whether app prototyping is worth doing alone or if it’s best to leave this job to the professionals.

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BSPOKE Software - Software developers examining a legacy software system.

Legacy software: the end of the road

As we enter into the new year, it’s time to consider whether it’s the end of the road for your company’s legacy software. While some businesses are keen to hang on to it for as long as possible, the time has now come to move on for most companies.

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Software as a Service: What are SaaS companies

When looking for a new software as a service solution for your business, you’ll no doubt come across SaaS companies. These companies offer a variety of services for businesses of all types. So, this article will explain what SaaS is, and how it may benefit your business. Keep reading!

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