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Organise your Company, with Cloud Communication tools

Organisation is something that almost all businesses today are looking to improve. When this is improved, the experience of working for your company is enhanced for everyone involved, and you’ll enjoy increased productivity and smoother processes. Today, companies can benefit from a wide range of cloud communication tools, all of which are quick and easy to implement into any business.

This article will share with you various top organisation tools to benefit your company.

Google Docs

Google Docs is a free tool that almost every business today could benefit from using. Working in a very similar way to Microsoft Word, it offers a free solution that can help companies to share documents and notes with ease. Google Docs can be saved to a personal or company Google Drive, where you can upload files that employees throughout your organisation need.

Documents can be shared with just those members who need access to them, offering good security and privacy for any confidential information. Google Docs offers a great way to share notes on projects and give feedback to employees, with the added benefit it takes only moments to share information with others on your team. If you have employees that are working together across the country or the world on a project, Google Docs will be one of the most useful solutions for collaboration.


In the past few years, Slack has been adopted by companies of all sizes across the world. Slack is an excellent messaging app for teams and workplaces, who can discuss projects in real-time across various platforms and devices. Team members can chat throughout their working day, offering you immediate updates on the status of a project or a piece of work. Team members can chat one-on-one or in groups via channels.

Slack offers the ability to share documents, so it’s ideal for organising events and conferences. With more employees than ever before working remotely, Slack is one of the best tools you could introduce to your business this year. It works much better for most teams than endless email chains and is a very simple tool to get to grips with. However, if you do use Slack, ensure that the channels you use are well organised and that you set guidelines for how to discuss projects with your employees.

Microsoft Teams

For companies that don’t adopt Slack within their workplace, a good alternative platform is Microsoft Teams. If you rely on other Microsoft software, this may be an easier solution to implement. Microsoft Teams offers a workplace chat, which works in a very similar way to slack. On top of that, you’ll also benefit from file storage and application integration. The most commonly used feature on Microsoft Teams in the past year is videoconferencing due to the number of people working from home. This offers a similar solution to Zoom and Google Meet and allows you to host virtual meetings with clients located anywhere in the world. You’ll be able to work through every part of a project using Microsoft Teams, starting with the initial planning through to the delivery stage. is one of the most versatile tools currently available. It’s ideal for a project manager who can use it to manage the project from start to finish. However, on top of that, you’ll also be able to use it as a CRM and your marketing department can manage advertising campaigns. As video production is more important to companies today you may find is useful for this too.

It’s an excellent communication and collaboration tool for companies and is being adopted by more companies each month. This option also offers more than 40 integrations and can be linked to your Trello board or Google Calendar. It’s one of the best project management tools on the market today and can be used by teams of all sizes for improved organisation. Within just a few minutes of signing up, you’ll find your team can get to work, thanks to its very simple design and layout.


One of the biggest organisation issues for companies is email management. Rooftop is a tool designed specifically for this purpose, and it allows your team to handle a huge number of emails each day while collaborating on the inbox together. It’s perfect for both internal and external communication and allows you to sort and store emails as appropriate. Rooftop is an excellent tool for customer service teams, who can keep their emails and phone logs in the same location. There is a small charge per month for this service, but for most companies, it’s well worth paying for.


If social media content creation is a big area of concern for your business, Gain will help content producers and clients work together. It smooths out this process, which is typically quite a time-consuming and frustrating one for businesses. With Gain, you can share content in any format or from any program, including JPEG, Photoshop, PDF and PowerPoint files. It’s a great option if you are collaborating with other brands on presentations and social media, and you’ll find it easy to use alongside a Canva account. On top of that, you’ll find that it makes it quicker to share feedback and assign tasks to your team to improve organisation.

To sum up

These are just a few of the top tools on offer for companies to improve their organisation. Cloud communication tools allow employees to work from anywhere in the world and still collaborate on projects. For anyone who regularly outsources work, these tools will allow you to communicate with ease regardless of the time zone and location you are working from. When using any cloud communication tools for the first time, make sure you set up simple guidelines with your team to ensure you don’t clutter up your platform with unnecessary communication. From there, you’ll want to keep everything well organised in folders and channels, and you’ll soon notice the improvement to your company’s organisation.

When the above tools, don’t meet your unique needs

If your company is already using the above tools and they are not meeting all your requirements, this may be the time to look into having a custom software system developed. A bespoke software system can be tailored to meet all the above needs, plus more and built specifically to follow your business workflows.

If your looking to invest in custom software for your business contact us for a free no-obligation consultation.