BSPOKE Software | Digital Transformation Partners

How to choose the right software partner for your business

When considering the best software partner for your business, the options can be overwhelming. However, we recommend looking for a software partner that will support your needs throughout the process and work alongside you. Whether it’s a short-term or long-term partnership, it’s important to ensure you are on the same page regarding delivery method. There are many considerations when choosing a software partner for your business. We discuss a few below.

Identify your expectations

Before you begin comparing software partners, establish your company’s needs and expectations. It’s no use having in-depth discussions with a potential team of developers only to discover they don’t offer something you are particularly interested in. Whether it’s about just one development project or a long-term collaboration, be specific about what you expect from the partnership.

If you are just looking for a team of developers, you’ll have very different requirements from someone who is also looking for assistance with running the software within the business afterwards. Many development companies today offer far more than just the creation of software. You’ll also be offered complete solutions that may include analysts, testers, coordinators, and much more. Of course, you should also have a budget and timeframe in mind, which can narrow down your options.

Understand their processes

If you are looking for an innovative solution, consider a software partner that offers continuous delivery. This will help your business to stay agile, and it offers a more efficient solution. You’ll be able to keep up with changes within your industry, offering a much lower risk partnership and development process.

Even if a company doesn’t fully comply with the continuous delivery methodology, try to find one that offers regular deliveries. There are many benefits of this way of working, and it offers you a competitive advantage. You’ll also find you have more chance of building the perfect solution for your needs.

When looking at processes, you’ll also want to take a deeper look at how the company expect you to work alongside them. Ask a potential software partner how they will communicate with you and what team members will be your point of contact throughout the process. You should aim to find a software partner that is willing to have an open chain of communication so that you can learn from each other throughout your time working together. At the same time, you also want to ensure your business has the resources to dedicate to this partnership to offer you the best chance of success.

Look for a reliable partner

With software developers constantly popping up around the world, it can be challenging to know whether to go for a more established company or one that uses cutting-edge technology. Reliability is the most important factor when comparing your options. The company itself needs to be communicative and reliable, but the delivery process they use should also work in the same way.

Continuous delivery is a much lower risk option for companies and minimises issues occurring with the final delivery. By releasing updates on a regular timescale, you’ll have a more reliable solution that can reduce costs and frustration for everyone involved in the project.

A software partner should be able to scale to meet your business needs

If you are looking to grow your company, you’ll want to find a software partner that can scale to meet your needs. Continuous delivery is a good option for this, as you can adjust components to match current market needs or your expanding business. You’ll even find that continuous delivery can help you generate revenue much earlier than you expected in the process, which you can put back into the project as you expand.

You’ll stay one step ahead of other businesses in your field, allowing you to establish yourself within the industry for years to come. Change is an inevitable part of business, and with technology rapidly developing, a good software partner needs to keep up with these changes. They’ll need to quickly make decisions for your software to ensure it doesn’t become outdated after just a short time of use.


Communication is essential when working with a software partner. You can usually judge how good a team’s communication will be from the very start of the process. Regardless of how technically skilled and creatively gifted developers are, it’s generally a no-go if communication is poor. You’ll never be able to create the perfect product without good communication. With continuous delivery, you should expect regular updates, which allows you to provide feedback.

Feedback can then be used to help guide the course of the project, but this won’t happen without good communication. Ensure you have a process in place for providing feedback so that key features can be developed, while those that are less important will be discarded to save time and resources.

Support after the project

When choosing a software partner for a one-time project, you want to ensure you will still experience a high level of support and communication even once the final release is completed. Discuss this before committing to a development partner and question how updates will be handled in the future. Your new software should be a future-proof investment, so ensure it wont become defunct quickly.

Finding the right software partner for your business can determine the success of any project. Don’t rush into a decision.  Take time to explore a partner’s communication style, processes, and expectations for your project. While you may be keen to get started, you’ll want to have several in-depth conversations first. This will ensure you are all on the same page and will help you avoid troubles and frustrations in future.

Contact the folks at BSPOKE Software today!

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