BSPOKE Software | Digital Transformation Partners

How to choose the right software house for your business

One of the toughest parts of developing custom software for your business is choosing the right software house. Make sure the company you choose will take the time to understand your offerings and your business. In this article, we share the key things to look out for when selecting a software house to work with.

Experience within your industry

Here at BSPOKE Software, we have experience working with almost any type of industry. It’s so important to find a software house that has a good understanding of the industry you operate within. Check out the industries we have worked with before. Regardless of what type of project you are about to undertake, it will likely have some industry-relevant elements. For example, if you offer financial services, you’ll want to work with a team that have a good understanding of the expectations of customers when it comes to financial services. Work with a software house that is willing to put effort into understanding your target audience and what they are expecting from your new offering.

Discussing your budget

We always recommend discussing your budget early on in the process when considering different software houses. Some people go through the process of discussing their project, only to be surprised by the project’s estimate. If you are working on a very tight budget, be very honest about this upfront. Avoid looking for very high-end software houses that may be out of your price range if this is something that is a barrier for your company currently. You’ll only waste everyone’s time if you don’t discuss budgets early on, so get this conversation out of the way as soon as possible.


Communication is something that you need to always consider when partnering with any company as a business owner. There’s no point working with people that are unable to communicate in the way that you expect from a partner. You’ll find that you will only get frustrated as the process goes on. You’ll soon be able to get an idea about a team’s communication style from your initial interactions. First impressions do count and meeting with the software consultant is normally the first stage. When discussing a potential project, ask how regularly you will receive updates and how you will be communicated with. As we are sure you are aware, communication is the key to success in any business, and when choosing a software house, this is no expectation.


Ask your potential software house what type of methodology they use if this is important to your company. While Agile and Waterfall are the most commonly used options, you may prefer a different way of working. We like both of these styles as they regularly review different components, ensuring everyone is on the same page. It’s important to understand the way in which the team will work to avoid any confusion or delays in the process. You’ll also have a clear idea of the timescale you are working with, and this will ensure you can promote your new offering to your customers or staff members with a realistic timescale.

What technology do they use?

Any good software house will pride itself on keeping up to date with the technological developments in the industry. By discussing the type of technology they use, you’ll get a good idea about their expertise in this area. When creating a new piece of software or an app, you want it to remain relevant, so ask about its potential lifespan. It should be able to be updated easily without having to restart the project completely. So, make sure you discuss how it can be updated in the future to keep up-to-date with current technology.

Review their portfolio

A software house should always be willing to showcase their past work to potential clients, and often this is openly on display on their website. Ask for examples of past projects that are relevant to your software development needs, and take the time to review the quality of these projects. You’ll find that this is one of the best ways to get a good idea of how your end product may look and check if the quality is up to scratch for the price you are going to pay for the work.

Check out their testimonials

Testimonials are one of the easiest ways to see what past customers really thought about working with a software house. These testimonials are often the most honest feedback you’ll read about a company. You can find our testimonials near the foot of our home page.

Final thoughts

There are many different aspects you’ll want to consider before selecting the right software house for your business. Here at BSPOKE Software, we pride ourselves on offering high-quality services to businesses operating within any industry. With many years of experience to draw upon within our team, we can work with you to make your vision a reality. If you are searching for a new software house to work with, contact BSPOKE Software today.


How to choose the right software house. Shows programmers around coding business software..