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How to Avoid Security Issues when Using the Cloud for Software Development

Using the cloud is a popular option for software developers, but it comes with its own risks.  However, it still offers many advantages and allows storage and information access anywhere and any time.

Thanks to recent technology developments and improvements in cybersecurity, it’s an affordable option that most developers are using. We look at the benefits of using the cloud and how you can minimise security concerns when using this solution.

The cloud and software development

The cloud enables developers to store information using off-site servers instead of relying on physical computers. This allows their team to access the information from anywhere in the world. This is critical for companies collaborating across different time zones and locations.

It offers many tools to make the development process simpler and can increase productivity while saving time and money. On top of these general benefits, there are other key advantages to using the cloud for development.

Easy setup

As you’ll no longer need to set up or install any applications onto a desktop computer, the cloud is a time-saving option for developers. You don’t have to use a set infrastructure and can focus on the task at hand. Team members won’t waste time setting up a computer and can focus on the development process. Instead of waiting for updates and backups, everything is saved in the cloud.

Encourages collaboration

The cloud helps teams to work together in a more collaborative manner and often improves creativity and ideas. Innovation is encouraged with the cloud and developer’s have the time to try out new ideas if a feature looks promising.

Tests can be completed without other team members being bothered, so everyone can get on without disruption. You’ll find conflicts are minimised by using the cloud, and work is completed quickly and efficiently.

Manage the development cycle

The cloud allows teams to manage the development cycle with greater ease. While we’d all like user stories to work in a uniform manner and take the same time and workload to complete, this is rare in software development.

The cloud enables teams to work on areas that take longer to create. New releases can be worked on even when other processes are still under way. You can also work on different parts of the development process at one time.

No limits

Most developers find they are limited to the physical server they have for the product they are working on. One of the biggest advantages of the cloud is the almost unlimited number of servers available. Teams can continue their work without depending on one physical server. This offers the chance for continuous integration, and delivery times are decreased as a result.

Security concerns

While there are many benefits for developers using the cloud, there are also security concerns to be aware of. This is one of the biggest drawbacks of the cloud. While technology is always improving, you can take some easy steps to minimise the risks.

Despite this, many smaller and mid-sized businesses find they are actually better protected with the cloud than with their previous solution.

Limit the number of users

As a company, it’s critical you know who has access to the cloud. When a new team member joins a project, they need to be given training on how to handle sensitive information and sharing information. Administrators have access to the data showing who is accessing data.  This should be monitored regularly to minimise risks.

While you can limit the number of individuals with login information, you should double-check that no one else accesses your system. Consider offering some team members limited access when they are out of the office. This could reduce the chances of information leaks or hacking. Take the time to explore security options available with the cloud, and adjust according to requirements.

Protect your data

There are many ways to add additional security for sensitive data. Administrators can check who is using what parts of the cloud, and from there which can be limited as needed. An entire team doesn’t need to access every part of your project, so keep this in mind.

Data breaches are a concern for anyone storing sensitive information on the cloud. To avoid this, we recommend using multi-factor authentication, so your users will have to give multiple pieces of evidence tolog in. While this may add a minute to the start of their day, it’s one of the best ways to protect your project.

A perimeter firewall is also another good option, as is data-at-rest encryption. Frequent data backups are also critical for anyone using the cloud to ensure data is not lost at a crucial point in your development process.

The benefits of using the cloud generally outweigh security concerns, especially for smaller and mid-sized companies. By making your team aware of the security risks of using the cloud, you ensure better security. Remember, you can limit who sees specific data within the cloud.  Use this to your advantage to protect your software development projects in the future.

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