BSPOKE Software | Digital Transformation Partners

ERP System – Custom Software Solution

Implementing a custom ERP system for your business could be exactly what you need to transform your business. This will also allow you to reach new levels of success. For those that don’t already know, ERP systems, also known as “enterprise resource planning systems” are custom-built software options developed entirely from the ground up to suit an individual business.

The benefits of a custom ERP system are numerous. The benefits include increased efficiency, the ability to save time, increase productivity, and greater scope for growth and expansion as a business. The remainder of this blog post will discuss more on custom ERP systems, including why you need one, the benefits, and more.

Why should your business invest in a custom ERP system?

As a business owner, you may be hesitant to invest in a custom ERP system. However, setting aside the time, money, and effort to invest may be more than worthwhile for your business. For example, with a custom ERP system, you can personalise your business strategy and operations. Unlike off-the-shelf solutions, this personalisation is never-ending. This allows you to fine-tune your operation for maximum efficiency.

Furthermore, you will see massive productivity and efficiency gains, not only by streamlining automated tasks but by improving employee productivity and drive, too. By replacing your old generic software with a custom ERP, you are likely to save money, time, and energy. These three components are important and you can now re-invest them back into your business.

What are the benefits?

We have briefly highlighted several benefits of custom ERP system software above. However, there are numerous more benefits on offer for businesses choosing to invest. Some of these benefits include:

  • Save time with automated efforts and tasks
  • Integrate with other custom software solutions
  • Scale your business easily with an ERP system
  • Design and tailor each employees screen for maximum productivity

Each of these benefits will now be explained in more detail below.

Save time with automated efforts and tasks

To begin with, a custom ERP system allows you to save time with automated efforts and tasks. For example, you can set up automated accounting tags, sorting, and filters. You can also view custom analytics, security policies, and audits to better understand your business and audience.

Other tasks can be automated, too. For example, these may include work reminders, alerts, meeting reminders, security alerts, and much, much more. Automating these tasks saves you time and effort, allowing you (and your workforce) to focus on other, perhaps more important tasks.

Integrate with other custom software solutions

Second, a custom ERP system allows you to integrate with other custom software solutions. At BSPOKE Software, we can work with existing software you have, integrating these together into a central hub. This allows you to further optimise your software and operations. Oh, and you’ll remain familiar with the design and setup of your current software.

Moreover, this allows you to tinker with existing logistics and perhaps implement new systems without transferring over all of the data. This is much safer and more efficient – a better way to do things. If we say so ourselves.

Scale your business easily with an ERP system

Regular, more generic software for businesses often places a ceiling on growth. There’s only so far you can go until you need to invest in new software to accommodate your demanding business needs.

With a custom ERP system, you remove any limit placed on yourself or your business. Besides, if your business is to expand at a rapid rate, we can customise and make adjustments to your ERP to accommodate this demand. This allows you to scale your business with ease, reducing stress, eliminating the need to switch between software solutions, and allowing you to focus on the one thing that matters: running your business.

Design and tailor each employees screen and view for maximum productivity

Finally, using an ERP system provides you with the tools to tailor design each employees screen and effective view for maximum productivity. At first, this may sound like the worst kind of micro-managing. However, it’s far from it. Instead, you can provide employees with access to the files and programs they need with minimum distractions. Removing previous barriers increases productivity, allowing employees to focus longer with little to no interruption from previous mundane tasks.

Also, as briefly touched upon, with more automated tasks, workers are now able to focus on the work that really matters. The work that makes a difference. This is key, especially for smaller teams looking to grow in the near future.

Are there any downsides?

There are very few downsides to upgrading. However, these potential downsides may include:

  • The risk of over-optimizing
  • the increase in cost
  • Increased number of bugs

Despite this, with one initial cost, upgrading to a custom ERP system is considerably more worthwhile than re-investing in off-the-shelf software solutions. (At least that is our humble opinion.) In terms of bugs, we do everything in our power to limit and remove as many bugs as possible before the launch of your new system. However, this is not always possible. Although once bugs are found, we remove these and increase the efficiency of your new software.

There’s a learning process to all ERP systems, however, essentially the more aged they are, the better they run, the fewer bugs they have, and the more familiar you and your employees are with your tech.

Are you ready to invest in a custom ERP system?

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, then BSPOKE Software recommends investing in a custom ERP system. There are benefits on offer for small and large businesses. So, it’s not individual to one – no matter the size of your operation, we can help you.

To find out more information about custom ERP systems or to schedule a meeting, contact the team today.

BSPOKE Softwre - Graphic showing man in office with custom ERP System